Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: #206 - Road to Wellville



Ready to Unload: With Cal & Sanpete Subscribe to the RTU: Podcast in iTunes HERE Also available on STITCHER HERE RTU: #206 Episode Partner is: DUMMY - A new web series written, directed and starring Joe Dalo and Izzy Diaz. Subscribe to the DUMMY channel in YouTube for all new episodes. EPISODE 3 IS COMING! RTU: #206 - Road to Wellville Thursday, December 4th at 10:30pm ET Main Course: We were off for Thanksgiving last week... there is a complete ton of stuff to talk about, from the fact that both NY football teams might soon have new coaches, to Mets fans being sold optimism on talk alone, and buying it. And the Islanders are the best team in NY, in any sport, and it's not close... we'll get into if this is awesome and bittersweet at the same time.  It's the Holiday season... whoop dee do? Well, we'll just see about that...