Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: #210 - Dr. Drew Stafford



Ready to Unload: With Cal & Sanpete Subscribe to the RTU: Podcast in iTunes HERE Also available on STITCHER HERE RTU: #210 Episode Partner is: DUMMY - A new web series written, directed and starring Joe Dalo and Izzy Diaz. Subscribe to the DUMMY channel in YouTube for all new episodes.GO THERE NOW AS EPISODE 3 IS OUT!  RTU: #210 - Recorded on Tuesday, December 30th 2014 Main Course: Black Monday came in the NFL and smacked no one harder in the face than the Jets... (except maybe the Chicago Bears, as big a mess as the Jets, just without FireEMERY! Banners) Cal and Sanpete will go heavy into what happened, what will happen and what we would like to happen. Plus, the Islanders have more wins before the first of the year than they have ever had in franchise history... yet we're somewhat unhappy. Just too many years of sucking, or are our concerns legit? (le what? LeGIT!) Plus the battle to be a real fan... do you need to put up a billboard to be considered passionate? Or can you just, ya know, root for