Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: #215 - A Seriously Long Super Bowl Show



Ready to Unload: With Cal & Sanpete Subscribe to the RTU: Podcast in iTunes HERE Also available on STITCHER HERE RTU: #215 Episode Partner is: DUMMY - A new web series written, directed and starring Joe Dalo and Izzy Diaz. Subscribe to the DUMMY channel in YouTube for all new episodes.  RTU: #215 - Streaming/Recording LIVE Thursday, Jan 29th at 10pm ET Main Course: The Super Bowl Show... we've asked a few of our buddies to give a shout to talk all things Super Bowl with this fantastic match up. Old friends Jay Linder, Dan Nello, and... THE SWAMI have been summoned. Hopefully they'll all make it... we'll talk about the game sure, but also get into the sights, the sounds... the smells... of the Super Bowl in America.  Also, Sanpete has a quick word for a certain local sports show producer in a little segment he's calling "Why we Podcast...".