Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: #234 - Lennie Morrisette



Ready to Unload: With Cal & Sanpete Sunday, June 14 is World Blood Donor Day - The theme of the 2015 World Blood Donor Day campaign is "Thank you for saving my life". It focuses on thanking blood donors who save lives every day through their blood donations and strongly encourages more people all over the world to donate blood voluntarily and regularly... YOU WILL SAVE A LIFE! Subscribe to the RTU: Podcast in iTunes HERE - Also available on STITCHER HERE RTU: #234 - Lennie Morrisette UNLOADING on: After an in-depth tell-all discussion of haircuts, we got into it. The Mets. It's time. We've been putting it off. We can't any longer. There may be some other stuff in there tonight, but man. The Mets, 60 games in, well it's time to explain why the negative, why we have no confidence that anything will get done... and why we're glad we're not as emotionally invested as we have been in years past.  Tune in live, or check out the podcast on Friday on iTunes!