Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: #237 - Sanpete Manor / Brad Kallet, Mets Columnist -



Ready to Unload: With Cal & Sanpete Subscribe to the RTU: Podcast in iTunes HERE Also available on STITCHER HERE RTU: #237 - Sanpete Manor / Brad Kallet, Mets Columnist - Main Course:  After we dismissed with the pleasantries, commander we welcomed back Brad Kallet Mets columnist for for about an hour and half of both All Star and Mets conversation. We figured out a lot of stuff... perhaps the biggest revelation being True RomanceI is an underrated, quotable movie. Also, Sandy Alderson stinks. So do Wilpons. And Terry Collins isn't so hot either. Seriously, check it out for great baseball and Mets talk, the kind you'd have a bar with a few of your boys. (or girls). (or boys and girls). Then, an abbreviated RTU: FUNLOAD with Bishop Big Doughnut about qall the trailers and movies and TV shows. He wants you to know, "This season of your favorite show is not LAST season of your favorite TV show".