Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: #239 - Big OD and Leave the Mets



Ready to Unload: With Cal & Sanpete Subscribe to the RTU: Podcast in iTunes HERE Also available on STITCHER HERE RTU: #23 - Streaming/Recording LIVE 7.23.15 at 10pm ET Main Course:  Holy cow... we have a ton to do tonight. Mets 24 hours like we have never seen before, MLB trade deadline tomorrow at 4, what will the Yankees do? And Jets training camp opens, with Sheldon Richardson going as stupid as you can. Oh, and Giants Owner John Mara doesn't know how many fingers JPP has. Yup. We got it all tonight, and we may be joined by our buddy Big O'D, a die hard met fan really would love to talk baseball but will probably wind up talking Wilpons.