That Provident Article

What Does Tuesday's Election Results Mean?



Following Tuesday's election results, analysis was available in print, digital, talk radio, and probably at your work place water cooler as to what this means. On Wednesday's Mark Levin show, Mark spent the majority of the first two hours of his show laying out the case that the grassroots, We the People, have shown that we are ready to consider the alternative to the business as usual in Washington, D.C.  With the continuing show of strength for Constitutional Conservative candidates and policies in local and statewide races, ballot initiatives, and referendums, NOW is the time to take advantage of this interest. We will spend time on this past week's news and how it relates to the Convention of States, and then spend some presentation time reviewing the Tuesday election results, the implications in general, and then some specific, individual applications based on those implications. The presentation section of this podcast is particularly relevant for those either already in a leadership position with th