That Provident Article

Who Says It's a Constitutional Convention? (Part 4)



Part 4 of our examination of the history behind the phrase "Constitutional Convention", as it has been, and continues to be, applied to describe the Constitution's Article V State authorized amending mode, a "convention for proposing amendments". We will pick up right where we left off last week, following the coordinated disinformation campaign from prominent progressive law professors, through the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, high-profile Senators like Joseph Tydings, Robert Kennedy, William Proxmire, and Jacob Javits. How has the prominence of the phrase affected the view of Article V? We'll spend a little bit of time with Convention of States news first.  And save some time for phone calls. "That Provident Article" is hosted by Convention of States Texas volunteer Paul Hodson, with the Convention of States since late 2013, a District Captain in Texas from February 2014 through November 2015, and now serving as Co-Director for the Convention of States Texas.