That Provident Article

Justice Scalia and the Convention of States



Last Saturday Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away.  His unexpected passing has stirred political debate, and drawn attention to the meaning of the phrase "Constitutional originalist".  Both supporters and opponents of an Article V convention reference Justice Scalia in support of their own position. We're going to spend a bit of time looking at statements made by Justice Scalia in regards to an Article V convention. And we'll discuss the implications of his passing in regards to the Convention of States Project. We'll have a short news segment, to track all of the Convention of States activity occurring around the nation this week. We'll leave some time for phone calls, for your questions and comments. That Provident Article" is hosted by Convention of States Texas volunteer Paul Hodson, with the Convention of States since late 2013, a District Captain in Texas from February 2014 through November 2015, and now serving as Co-Director for the Convention of States Texas.