That Provident Article

The Convention of States Project - An Open Phone Line Discussion



We're back from a 4 week hiatus!  I have been so busy this past month that I had to take a break from the show. I'm not the only one who's been busy; our own Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, has been promoting the Convention of States and the Texas Plan in public speeches, in the media, and with the announcement of the pending publication of his autobiography "Broken But Unbowed: The Fight to Fix a Broken America". Today we'll cover news from the last four weeks, but really focus on the implications of Governor Abbott's full endoresement; his experience in challenging our overreaching federal government has given him stature and respect among all the states in our nation. After covering the news for a few minutes, I'll just open up the phone lines for any questions/discussion regarding the Convention of States Project. That Provident Article" is hosted by Convention of States Texas volunteer Paul Hodson, with the Convention of States since late 2013, a District Captain in Texas from February 2014 through Nove