That Provident Article

The Journey of Article V



This week's episode will highlight some great news for the Convention of States out of Oklahoma and Maine (yes, THAT Maine!). We'll cover the journey of Article V through the Constitutional Convention.  Where did it come from?  What was the intent of the Framers, and how did they express that intent?  Why do the State Legislatures have the enumerated power to apply for a "convention for proposing amendments"?  Was that mode added as a last moment afterthought, or did the Framers give us reason to believe that this mode was their intent from the beginning of the convention? We'll then open up the phone lines for any questions/discussion regarding the Convention of States Project. That Provident Article" is hosted by Convention of States Texas volunteer Paul Hodson, with the Convention of States since late 2013, a District Captain in Texas from February 2014 through November 2015, and now serving as Co-Director for the Convention of States Texas.