Your Preparation Station

Surviving on Shoestrings: A full year of buying nothing new. Can you do it?



Can you buy nothing new for a year?  Can you make do and mend literally almost everything rather than replace it?  That is exactly what my guest, Jen Gale of My Make Do and Mend Year did! I had the joy of interviewing Jen for another radio show and I was thrilled when she agreed to be my guest yet again. She has such a great outlook it’s contagious! My thought process behind having Jen on is to help inspire you to do what you can NOW, train your brain, hands and heart to avoid the monster of planned obsolescence and over stimulated consumerism.  If our society were forced to give up these now common practices – how well do you feel you’d fare?  How well do you feel those around you, who are used to the conveniences and trappings of a disposable life fare?  I think this offers us a serious opportunity to search our skill set and life choices.  I feel Jen offers many ideas and hope for how resilient we can train ourselves to be! FREE Digital Subscription to PREPARE Magazine Remember: Keep Growing and enJOY