Spiritual Health With Lisa Beachy

Spirit Salon with Lisa Beachy - Law of Attraction questions answered



Lisa Beachy is a Psychic Spiritual Intuitive talking about Spiritual things and sometimes just about life in general. Pulling a card for the day and meditations lead occasionally as guided. Any future questions that you may want answered bout psychic gifts, mediumship, healing, anything spirit related? Post a comment below and Lisa will come back to visit it and answer in future shows. (If I mention your name it will be first name or user name only to help keep things anonymous) No Live Callers are taken! But the chat room will be open. Visit my website - https://www.LisaBeachy.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LBeachy Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisacbeachy YouTube for weekly Readings - https://www.youtube.com/user/LisaCBeachy Youtube for meditations -  https://www.youtube.com/user/MeditationsforMoms Pinterest:  http://www.pinterest.com/LisaCBeachy/