Spiritual Health With Lisa Beachy

Spirit Salon with Lisa Beachy - Mini Readings



Lisa Beachy is a Psychic Spiritual Intuitive talking about Spiritual things and sometimes just about life in general. Pulling a card for the day and meditations lead occasionally as guided. Any future questions that you may want answered about psychic gifts, mediumship, healing, anything spirit related? Post a comment below and Lisa will come back to visit it and answer in future shows. (If I mention your name it will be first name or user name only to help keep things anonymous) Visit my website - https://www.LisaBeachy.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LBeachy Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisacbeachy YouTube for weekly Readings - https://www.youtube.com/user/LisaCBeachy Youtube for meditations -  https://www.youtube.com/user/MeditationsforMoms Pinterest:  http://www.pinterest.com/LisaCBeachy/