Matty P Radio

Matty P Presents Saturday Morning Cereal - Silent But Deadly



Take some time this week to remember your original happy hour: Saturday mornings as a kid, waking up at dawn, jumping on the couch with a bowl of chocolate cereal, turning on the ‘toons, tuning out the outside world, and working your way into a sugar hangover before noon. This week we talk fondly about good B movies and campy television, from Plan 9 to Batman The Series to Monsters to Sharknado to our new favorite, Slient But Deadly (now out on DVD and coming soon to Netflix!). We talk to the movie's director/co-writer/co-producer/co-star Jason Lockhart (The Casting Couch) and, yet again, to Jacqui Holland, who happens to be the movie's co-writer/co-producer/co-star as well, about their baby. Also, a small taste of our long interview with living legend Lee Meriwether (the silver screen's original Catwoman!) about her experiences on the Silent But Deadly set.