Matty P Radio

Jamie Kennedy Star Wars and the Haters that Love Them-A SMC ReBroadcast



Original Air Date June 6, 2015 a Saturday Morning Cereal ReBroadcast- Take some time this week to remember your original happy hour: Saturday mornings as a kid, waking up at dawn, jumping on the couch with a bowl of cereal, turning on the ‘toons, tuning out the outside world, and working your way into a sugar hangover before noon. Join us as we talk to both the unfairly maligned Jamie Kennedy and the Star Wars prequels' defender Bradley Weatherholt all about the haters who love them.  Why all the hate over movies that are just made to entertain us? Why do strangers tell each other to f*ck off and die underneath kitten videos on YouTube? Why does it seem sometimes like everyone else on the internet is a stupid racist pig who should just f*ck off and die?! To get to the bottom of this we bring in some experts, Jamie Kennedy (Heckler, Scream, Son of the Mask, Three Kings, Malibu's Most Wanted) himself, plus Bradley Weatherholt of Ministry of Cinema to tell us about his new IndieGoGo documentary project The Preq