Authentic Messengers - Sparks Of Inspiration

ADHD The Good, The Bad, and The Amazing with ADD Mentor, Dan Saia



Guest: Dan Saia Catherine and Dan discuss adult adhd with some overall adhd thrown in. If you've been diagnosed with ADHD whether recently, or you've been living with it for a long time, this show will discuss all aspects of ADHD, from the good, to the bad, and even the amazing. Dan is Chief Innovation Officer at Positive Media Ventures, Owner of Aldan Global an online technology company providing managed services to online businesses and a Personal and business coach for Adults with ADHD or parents of children with adhd. Married to his wife Allison for 6 years, he is a father to a son and a daughter and a step father to two stepsons. He has been described as a "Jack of All Trades". From fixing websites to fixing cars, you'll never know what you might find him doing. A gift from Dan: If you go to, enter your email address, you will get Dan's new ebook, ADHD-Take Control Back. Where you will learn some new techniques to deal with adhd in your daily life. Host: Catherin