Authentic Messengers - Sparks Of Inspiration

Energetic Self-Care for Empaths, Intuitives and Highly Sensitive People



Guest: Niki Elliott, PhD Join us for a transformative interview as Niki Elliott, PhD discusses her new best-selling book, I Feel Your Pain: A 7-Step Survival Guide for Empaths, Intuitives and Highly Sensitive People. This timely message offers spiritual and physical solutions for those who find themselves absorbing the  physical and/or emotional pain of family, friends and co-workers. Dr. Niki will teach you how to develop healthy energy boundaries and avoid taking on other people’s pain. The strategies she presents are equally effective for highly sensitive children and adults. Dr. Niki Elliott is a holistic educator, author, speaker and expert in the field of intuition development and consciousness healing. Her passion and calling is to educate the public about the potential of the human mind to experience and develop higher states of consciousness. Through online courses, live trainings and destination retreats. She is the author of two books, The Intuitive Mother and I Feel Y