Authentic Messengers - Sparks Of Inspiration

What Angels Most Want Us to Know with Guest Author Lilia Shoshanna Rae



Guest: Lilia Shoshanna Rae Have you ever been curious whether angels really exist? Have you had an interaction with one and would like to have more? Lilia Shoshanna Rae has written a book on The Art of Listening to Angels. She shares the process her angels gave her for accessing angelic wisdom. She says that they want to help us and have asked her to let people know how they, too, can hear their guidance. She tells her story of how they intervened in her life when she was heartbroken and feeling unlovable. Lilia will share what angels have told her they most want humans to know. Lilia is a former lawyer, now spiritual healer, teacher, and angel communicator. Lilia’s mission is to live heaven on earth and help others to do so with the assistance of angels. She has developed a new modality called “Stellar Healing” given to her by her angels in which the client gains a different perspective on an issue, connects to expansive star energy, and moves into a creative flow toward a solution. S