Authentic Messengers - Sparks Of Inspiration

Stoking the Fires of Change



Host: Catherine VanWetter Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people. Guest:  Jess Young, RN, BSN In this interview, we will talk with Jess Young, holistic nurse, artist, dancer and teacher in Portland, Oregon. We'll get a glimpse of what the creative process was like for her in the writing of her Nurse Sparks chapter, as well as her thoughts on self-care, the healthcare system and what she is doing to be a beacon of change as a nurse and an artist. Jess Young is a holistic nurse, dancer and teacher in Portland, Oregon. Jess is blazing her own trail as a registered nurse and as an artist. After finding herself burned out and disillusioned by the Western healthcare system, Jess went in search of medicine that heals the body, rather than merely masking the symptoms. Guided by her heart, she created a position for herself in a holistic clinic, where she began to understand the potency in Chinese and natural medicine. Now, workin