Nancy At Noon

How To NOT Be Irritated by Irritating People?



Milly tells us how it went when she told her parents she is pregnant. Irritated Allie can't focus on her studies when people in the library are chomping and chewing and chit chatting in the No Talk Zone. And Angie from Austin doesn't know how to answer when people ask her what church she goes to or why she isn't going to church. My answers may surprise you! Plain and simple: Once a week I answer your questions on air. My intention is to provide you with the necessary knowledge so you can make informed decisions about your relationships, your health and well-being, your happiness and your spiritual life.  Ask me anything. If I don't have the answer I will bring on a guest who does.  Art, creativity, homeschooling, owning & running a  B & B, writing and publishing books, getting back on your feet after divorce and empty-nesting , stress relief . .  and more!  Send your questions to and maybe yours will be chosen to be answered on air.  If you require immediate assistance, private