Spiritual Charlotte

Episode 24 - Progressive Pastor, Susan Heafner-Heun Guides Us Through Lent!



Susan Heafner-Heun, Progressive Christian Pastor of Inclusion Community Church in Lake Norman (Cornelius), North Carolina, gets excited when she talks about the seasons of the Christian Calendar. Her enthusiasm brings this subject to life, perhaps in contrast to the rather dull way it may have been taught in churches you grew up in. She believes the Christian seasons are rich with ritual, myth, history, symbolism, and the natural rythems of life. But often, some of them are overlooked or entirely left out of church celebrations and practices. Many who have been Christians for years or a lifetime, do not even really know the signifiance of some of the Christian seasons - what they are revealing to us, what they have to offer our modern day lives, and how we are invited to be included in each season. These invitations and offerings can also hold value for non-Christians, as many of the meanings can be applied to anyone's life. Today we are learning about the season of Lent. Lent symbolizes the time of Jesus'