Beer Talk

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Good evening boys and girls and welcome to another shit show that we call Beer Talk Delaware. We have a lot to catch up on so grab a beer, give the dog a bone, kick the wife out and turn it up to 11 cause here we go. As most of the time we have any of the Trump shit that you may of missed this past week. 6" fish leaps into man's mouth and kills him. Wife say's "Now you know how it feels." Smelling poo might make you feel younger? Super volcano is gonna kill us all. Panters fan sucker punches Eagles fan. Fun facts as to why beer may be good for you. Wilmington will be getting it's first brewy in 65 years. All this and more tonight at at 7pm. Don't forget to follow us on snapchat, Instagram, facebook and twitter @Beertalkde You can also call in and join the chat at 646-668-8931