Welcome Home




On today’s episode, we’re stamping our passports, letting our imaginations run wild, and talking all about travel! Crystal clear Caribbean waters you never knew were so close, Balineasian rice patties, and Embassy Suites for three day weekends! From last minute travel to trips planned years in advance we're talking about everything from real life concerns when traveling with kids to which fantasy vacations we've been dreaming of!  We're asking a travel expert  Beth Flowers of Brownell Travel to share her thoughts on where to take our families for our next trip. Plus how Game of Thrones is inspiring vacationers all over the world, why a British toy store tops both our kids’ lists of favorite travel memories, and why Kirsten wears the training bra of travel. All that and more on this week’s episode of Welcome Home   SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT: CARBONA Carbona is a household brand that’s been helping people live a life unstained for more than a century (how’s that for experience!?).  They are whole-heartedly obses