Yes Yes Marsha / Marsha Meets...

Work Less, Earn More with Liz Scully and Marsha from Yes Yes Marsha



Do you run an online, service-based business? Had you always assumed you’d make courses and products and SCALE by growing a HUGE MAILING LIST… But now, you’re starting to think… …Maybe it doesn’t have to be that complicated? Or even just: it’s SUCH a great model for other people, but maybe that’s not for me…? Me too. And I’ve spent the last couple of years asking smart people how to make more money without hustling every hour of every day. Because: there are other things in life than work. AND I like being able to pay rent and go on holiday from time to time. I’ve learned some pretty great hacks, and I want to teach some to you. So I’ve asked one of the most business-savvy people I know, my (brilliant, BRILLIANT) friend Liz Scully from Rethink Central to come and teach a (free!) class with me called: Work Less, Earn More