Brand Inneractions With Jon Gaul

Brand InnerActions with Jon Gaul



We are excited to be back with a true scholar of innovation, Zoe Dowling, Ph.D. Zoe recently co-authored the research study, Have Your Story Straight? – Why Brand Dilution Hurts in the Experience Economy, with our President, Chris Wallace. The study asked marketing, product and customer experience executives if their customers were hearing the same brand story at every touch point. The results were eye opening! Zoe will share the findings as well as insights on what the impact means for companies. Zoe is an eclectic blend of researcher, technologist, sociologist and marketer with a rich background across functions, industries and countries. Zoe has specialized in the online world since the late 1990s. She specializes in respondent engagement for web and mobile surveys, as well as qualitative approaches related to online communities and interview techniques. She actively combines traditional and out-of-the-box research approaches to adapt effective methodologies to a changing world. Zoe recently authored the n