Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Weekly Energy Check-in: Week of 5/19/2019



Weekly Energy Check-in: Week of 5/19/2019 As this intense Full Blue Flower Moon is on the wane, it’s time for consolidation— not necessarily decluttering— although it can include that. I’ll explain more in today’s Weekly Energy Check-in. Want to know how I get my “intuitive snapshot” of what’s going on with the energies every week? Some folks have been asking about how I do it. It’s actually quite simple. I’ll share on today’s talk how I tune in to the frequencies of the moment and how you can do it too! Also, stick around until the end! I've got all of my paid programs and workshops on sale until 5/27 for the ME-morial Week Sale! Time to celebrate and honor the old you and start creating a new you with some of my highly transformative programs-- $25 - $100 off all my stuff like Reinvent Yourself Workshop, Sacred DNA Activation and Restructuring, my signature online program Crack Your Happiness Code, the Wealth Consciousness Collective (starting Wednesday 5/22) and MORE! ****20% of profits from sales are go