East Meets West

Where Is The Real Estate Market Heading?



Are you looking to start a career and/or investing in real estate?   If so, you'll really want to tune into this one. In East Meets West, we (Steve Zalunardo and Hussein Kabani) let you in on our conversation - most would probably call it a debate with the way we talk to one another. We share our very different stories of how we got started in real estate and go on explaining where we are heading.   In episode 24 of East Meets West: We tell you about a few of our wild real estate stories and update you on how our week has been. Then the conversation moves over to discussing our personal investments in real estate and the moves that we plan on taking to better these investments. Hussein pulled some key analytics and like we always say, 2017 was a fable year and now the market is playing catch up to it. We don't know what's going to happen in 2020, but we are thinking it'll be a flat year with not much growth. You shouldn't worry if you are playing the long term game and can afford to hold real estate