East Meets West

48% of Ontarians Are $200 From Insolvency



Are you looking to start a career and/or investing in real estate?   If so, you'll really want to tune into this one. In East Meets West, we (Steve Zalunardo and Hussein Kabani) let you in on our conversation - most would probably call it a debate with the way we talk to one another. We share our very different stories of how we got started in real estate and go on explaining where we are heading.   In episode 26 of East Meets West: The Toronto real estate market continues to move, however, it feels as if it might be moving in a delayed fashion as we sit at ~17,000 units of inventory. We always knew debt and insolvency levels were bad, but not this bad! According to a study, 48% of Ontarians are $200 from insolvency and we believe employment levels are slowly going down. It feels like we saw this coming and we discuss what this can mean for the future of this economy and the real estate market, especially if we have a new government come into power for 2020.  Like most of our podcasts, mindset