The # Nojudgement Podcast

EPISODE 21 - Author Jillian Aversa & LA Birthday Parties



We welcome singer, songwriter and now author [Jillian Aversa][1] who was inspired by her newborn daughter to write the new book *Your Light* which is an enchanting story about a baby bunny and the bunny parents. Then we delve into the LA birthday scene, how much is the average kids birthday party in LA? What about the treat bags and the entertainment? We go into it all! To find out more about Jillian's book, *Your Light* [HERE][2] Support our sponsor & receive 15% OFF on any & all Organisource products with code WHOLESOME [Here][3] Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A REVIEW AND RATING for The #NOJUDGEMENT PODCAST THE #NOJUDGEMENT PODCAST COMES FROM CHILD DEVELOPMENT EXPERT JESSICA ZADEH + MOMMIES KATHY COPCUTT AND PAMELA WEISS. WE'RE ALL ABOUT EVERYTHING MOM, BABY AND PARENTING. WE'RE NOT AFRAID TO GO DEEP INTO TOPICS LIKE MENTAL HEALTH, SEX + RELATIONSHIPS, LEARNING DISORDERS, ILLNESSES AND MORE. JOIN A COMMUNITY OF LIKE-MINDED MAMAS AS THESE LADIES REWRITE THE ARCHETYPE OF THE 'PERFECT MO