Your Mom Friend

Nicole Lee



Nicole Lee is a strategist, coach and diversity, equity and inclusion trainer and founder of the Lee Bayard Group LLC. A strategic campaigner, she works with community organizations to ensure their voices and concerns are heard. As a coach, she works with changemakers to ensure they have the tools to live their best lives. She is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist for Gaia Women’s Leadership Project and works with many organizations in furthering their work towards equity.  She was the first female President of TransAfrica, the nation’s premier African American foreign affairs organization and founder of the BMLP, a legal organization affiliated with the Movement for Black Lives. From Haiti to Ferguson, she has led international and domestic investigations and missions docu menting human and civil rights violations. From this work, Nicole has learned that each of us can be brave, courageous and visionary. Each of us can also give into our worst fears and settle for the life we have rather than