Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast

Episode-39- Composting



Today is Friday, May 17th 2019 and today we are talking about composting. In permaculture we say “the problem is the solution” and having the Inglebean Coffee Shop I am generating a lot of food scraps and am currently in the process of building a chicken coop so I can close the loop between “the problem” of to much waste, to “the solution” of having to many eggs! In this episode we will be looking at the many other ways of taking a “problem” of having food scraps to a “solution” of composting that best fits you Today we discuss  Why compost What to compost Compost mixtures Types of methods Hole in the ground Above ground DIY Pallets DIY 55 gallon tumbler DIY Garbage pales Vermicompost Chicken Composting Black Soldier Fly Larvae  EntoHack I’d like to ask everyone that is listening to this to please take a minute out of your day and tell a friend or share this with friends on social media. When you’re done listening get outside :) Song of the day Professor Anna Lidde and he