This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

100 - All You Can Eat or All You Can Drink



Merry Christmas This Or Thatters! This holiday season we're so thankful for you for making us your #wouldyourather #podcast of choice. Because you've given us so much, we're giving you the only gift we have to give: TWO GOOD CHOICES!!! Wait, what? It's true! Happy Holidays to you! Imagine a world where for three major holidays you can either eat or drink as much as you want without any negative effects. Seems too good to be true? It's not! Who's planning to try to make some money off of this? Who imagines a day of chugging egg nog and eating cheesy caramel popcorn? Who wants to keep it classy? And which would you choose from these two amazing choices? Let's find out!