This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

115 - Fly Covered Ice Cream or Roach Filled Ice Cream



Welcome to another exciting week of your favorite #wouldyourather #podcast! This week we’re ruining all that is sacred once again. By putting bugs in or on your ice cream! This week we ask: would you rather eat ice cream with a surprise inside, and that surprise is a cockroach, OR ice cream that was previously covered with a bunch of house flies? Is surface area even a factor in this? What are those flies reeeeally doing on that ice cream? (Hint: they’re likely humping). Why is the Crew talking about Sarah McLachlan? How does this situation parallel a home intruder? Lastly, what the hell is wrong with Danielle and her complete inability to use reason during this episode? And most importantly, which would you choose? Let’s find out!