Holistically Healing Anxiety | Anxiety Coach | Stacie Younger

Episode 104: Money Mindset with Laura Laire



I had the pleasure of interviewing Laura. She shares her story about when she struggled with anxiety and how she had a breakthrough. She also shares her thoughts on anxiety when it comes to money. She gave us so much valuable information.   Take a listen for more details. Here is Laura's bio: Laura grew up in poverty, both physically and emotionally. By the time she was in her early 20’s, she was married, then divorced and still suffering physically, deprived emotionally, and still poor. She never even graduated college because she could never figure out what to do. Laura just wanted to make money. At 25, Laura started a small business from home and by 28, reached incredible success, earning 6 figures with no degree or experience. She became a speaker, international trainer and eventually was hired as a sales and marketing executive on the corporate level. From launching products with manufacturers for a multi-million dollar global company to being an International Trainer and Keynote Speaker at seminars