Songs In The Key Of Life With Nadine O'regan

Brett Anderson - Songs in the Key of Life



"I've always thought sexuality is an important part of pop music. Anodyne pop music doesn't appeal to me. I like something that grabs you."  Brett Anderson doesn't mince his words when it comes to the art of making pop music. When the Suede frontman arrived onto Songs in the Key of Life recently, he was more than happy to talk about what he loves in music, as well as reflect on Suede's illustrious legacy -- the band are celebrating 25 years since the release of their debut eponymous album, and he has also just published his first memoir, the beautifully written Coal Black Mornings, which tracks back over his early days.  "In the early days, your ideas outstrip your ability," Breff said on the show. "But then we met [Suede guitarist] Bernard Butler and he really could play. He was leaping around the fretboard." Suede have gone through line-up changes and break-ups over the years, but the band have been back together since 2010 and are currently mixing a new album for release. Until the new music make