Songs In The Key Of Life With Nadine O'regan

Roddy Doyle - Songs in the Key of Life



Songs in the Key of Life usually involves guests picking their favourite songs to play on the show -- alongside songs that are important to them for various reasons. But when Roddy Doyle arrived into studio, the Irish author explained that he wanted to make his show a tribute to his childhood friend.   "A friend of mine, Ronnie, died recently," Roddy explained. "We grew up together and shared a lot of music through our lives, so I thought I'd hone in on songs that would have been played at the gigs -- songs that we would have shared together, in the '80s, '90s and more recently."   What unfolded over the next hour was a glorious array of tunes -- including music from artists such as R.E.M., Lou Reed and Bruce Springsteen. "To hear Bruce Springsteen for the first time 40 years ago was explosive," Roddy said. Then there was the wisdom imparted by Bob Dylan. "Bob Dylan said when he came to New York, 'I'll have to disorientate myself.' Every artist should have that carved to their foreheads backwards so