Iron Crew Podcast

Michael Cazayoux | Courage To Stand



Danny sits down with Michael Cazayoux from Brute Strength!  Michael has spent countless hours on his own personal development and is committed to sharing his knowledge with the world.  Danny and Michael talk about the importance of having multiple emotional “buckets” to fill up, how he became such a good romantic partner, and how he manages negative thoughts.  Michael then discusses why it is important for men to talk about their emotions, how to bring up the little annoyances with your romantic partner, and where the saying “Owning your shit is sexy” stems from.  Michael also shares his newfound relationship with food after a long stint with the Keto diet and how to eat for athletic performance vs cognitive function.   Before their conversation, Danny shares why during Easter Sunday he thought about why Rap music is no different than good ol’ fashioned Oldies music.  He also dives into why the way you move outside the gym is way more valuable than inside the gym, a communication pro tip that you can use with