Promedia Podcast

Promedia Episode 0010



Hi there and welcome to episode 10 of the Promedia Podcast. If you would like to use any of the songs featured on my Podcasts please let me know don’t forget you can drop me an email and I can provide you with a higher quality version if required Only one track this week, it’s called Goodbye Grey Sky, and no you’re not hearing things I am singing, now I know I don’t have the greatest voice, I can hold a tune and that’s about it; I’m hoping to get a ‘real’ singer to record this song at some point. I think there’s a bit of a David Gray vibe about the vocals (no offence David) which works well; the song is about depression or rather looking on the bright side as Monty Python would say. I feel the song could use a nice guitar solo but as I don’t play guitar keyboard will suffice, musicians out there may notice the song changes from minor to major for the solo (you sad people) Please send feedback good or bad as long as it’s constructive, until