Learn Me Something




Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the history of feminism, what it really means and how it's misunderstood, why it's hated, and more! Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes, the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities, the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we're trying to raise enough money to help cover our studio build costs. Duration: 53:36:00 Present: Aaron Stewart, Rich Plumb Episode Links What Is Feminism, And Why Do So Many Women And Men Hate It? HISTORY AND THEORY OF FEMINISM Do people hate feminism and why? The Man Who Coined "Feminism" Christine de Pizan: