Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Indiana Jones Style Adventures of Green Berets



Monkey brains served up as a delicacy. Elephant Tripe. Lion-sized ferocious pets. Just a few of the very colorful characters that appear in today's adventures. In this episode, you get to hang out with highly experienced Doug Kiesswetter who served in Special Forces for many years and undertook deployments and missions all over the world. You're going to hear a lot of unexpected - and often very surprising stuff- that happens in the life of Special Forces guys out in the far flung corners of the world. Special Forces guys tend to excel at contingency planning - ie something unexpected occurs during a mission that makes the plan no longer possible. They adapt in the moment and find a solution to still achieve the objective. Find out about how they go behind enemy lines and without any support find ways to survive in dangerous situations. Learn how they adapt and harvest their local environment to their advantage so far from home in unfamiliar places.Discover how operators take things people could perceive as d