The Nick Margerrison Podcast

077 CATMA: The Law Of Projection



The Law of Projection is a source of amazement to the people who discover it. You're hearing it on a little culty podcast. I wonder if anyone's new to this one and will have the intended "wow" moment when they get into the idea? There's no way of knowing. I've spent the night watching coverage of the Million Mask March. What, what coverage? It was ignored by the media pretty much. Yeah, but it was on twitter and a video link. Doesn't matter if they ignore us now. The mainstream media only ignores such things at the risk of being ignored. I kind of feel like this podcast should have more of the revolutionary stuff in it but it doesn't. Check out this podcast's timeline if you're looking for that. I notice a few of my pieces were being shared last night as I watched people fan out over London, with their Guy Fawkes masks on. Cult members are realising how well placed they are to handle these debates from the look of my twitter feed at the moment.