Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

042: Three Simple Ways To Take Back Your Time



If you are a long time listener of the Live Immediately Podcast or even if you’ve only listened to a handful of episodes, I am certain that you’ve heard me say, many times, that “time is the true currency”. It really is the cornerstone of Live Immediately. That we only have this moment, right now, to do the things we love with people we love. Many people have asked me about this notion of time, as they continuously feel busy. Through all their questions, the underlining theme is, “How can I reclaim some of my time back.” In this episode I talk about three simple ways to take back your time, three simple techniques that I learnt, or was forced to lean, that have been huge game changers for me. All three of these techniques are free and you could implement them into your daily life starting today. Let me know how you go and what you end up doing with all your additional available time. I hope you enjoy x