Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

060: Amanda Lee - The Power of Intention



So often you can feel stuck in the overwhelm of life, feeling like you don’t have any option to change your situation. In this episode I talk with a wonderful woman, Amanda Lee, about the power of intention and getting clear on what you want, that is coming from your heart. Listening to your heart and not your head is a recurring theme in this episode. Amanda and I discuss how many of our decisions are based in fear, the need for fulfilment and purpose, cutting the struggle, creating space, and meaningful alignment. Amanda also talks about five key steps to getting in the flow and she uses the acronym LifeRAFT. LIFE - See life in a new picture. Recognise that everything, including you, is just energy, and that you have the ability to work with this in a very powerful way. R- Reveal your real choices. Get clear on what you really want, coming from your heart, not your head. A - Align yourself energetically with what it is you choose. This includes your thoughts, words and ac