Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast

Episode-27- Permaculture 101 4-5-19



Today is Friday, April 5th 2019 and today we’re going to talk about permaculture what it is, how it applies to homesteading and using it to better design your life. Todays sponsor is  Riviv JC Quarry Fest 4/20 Our Gofundme for a parking lot Tickets for Quarry Fest Before we get into i’d like to ask everyone that is listening to this to please take a minute out of your day and tell a friend or share this with friends on social media. Then get outside :) What is permaculture and where did it come from Permanent Culture Bill Mollison Study indigenous people and practices  How did I get into permaculture The 3 ethics of permaculture Care of the Earth Care of people Return of surplus The 5 city zones of permaculture no zero for me 1 window planters/ porch garden 2 Backyard garden chicken coop 3 Perennial section  4 Front yard 5 City land behind house why no zero The 5 country zones