Moon To Stay With Matt Warren

Smelting Lunar Aluminum



In the world of Aerospace, aluminum is perhaps the most used material. It has some great properties that make a lot of sense for building things that need to fly. First and foremost is the weight. Aluminum is lightweight which makes it more efficient for something that you are going to have to accelerate and decelerate and lift into the air. Every kilogram added to a vehicle, removes a kg of potential payload, so making rockets and planes with aluminum is better than steel in that regard. Aluminum is also stable, it doesn’t rust like iron, or explode like sodium metal. It is rigid and strong unlike lithium or gold. All in all, Great properties to have for building things with. With more than 100 years now of experience building things with aluminum for aerospace, it’s also a material we understand quite a lot about. There are well understood alloys of aluminum that can be referenced easily by engineers and acquired very cheaply.