Whisky & Commerce With Laura Doonin

Whisky & Commerce - #004 Julie Mathers



Episode Notes. The best bits 1. Julie: We launched with 500 products from 30 brands in November 2014. We just went, let's see how this goes. Laura: Was it Dropshipped? Julie: No, no. I'm such a true blue retailer. I'm like, No, no, own your stock, take the risk. So then we bought all the stock, and we're lucky because where we live is on acreage and when we bought the place, it came with a warehouse, which was great. So for the first few years we used that warehouse. So yes, we bought all the stock. Because I was really focused on the customer experience from the start. And my belief — unless you get it really right - just have your products and ship it out same next day to your customer. And give them one box as well. Because I think one of the worst experiences I've had is I've ordered six products off a well-known department store. And I got six different boxes, six different days, six different trips to the post office to get them. 2. Julie: If you don't do this now, you will never do it. Flora and Fauna