East Meets West

Looking Back On The 2018 Real Estate Market



Are you looking to start a career and/or investing in real estate?   If so, you'll really want to tune into this one. In East Meets West, we (Steve Zalunardo and Hussein Kabani) let you in on our conversation - most would probably call it a debate with the way we talk to one another. We share our very different stories of how we got started in real estate and go on explaining where we are heading.   In episode 11 of East Meets West: It's our first official podcast recorded in 2019! We're getting back into the swing of things with the holidays and the market being down it's been a little more quiet than usual, but our businesses are picking up and the phones are starting to ring with leads. We dive into speaking about market performance over the past year and what it means for the future, in terms of interest rates, upcoming election, etc. (we believe they will drop). One of the main things we took out of 2018 was how we've dealt with pricing - which is being upfront with what we believe the propert