Iron University Podcast

EP:18 How to Start a Podcast in 2019 (Design, Software, Equipment)



So you want to start a podcast? Awesome! Podcasting has changed my life. Connecting with new people, strengthening relationships with old friends, and it’s opened up doors to new opportunities that I never thought I would have. Here's my guide below on starting your podcast: Designing A Podcast Answer these questions first (3:55) Why is it important to you? Why should people listen? How are you helping your audience? Speak to those who know you best (4:44) Does your idea make sense to them? Ask three people for their advice.  Research Other Podcasts (6:40) Disaggregate how they host their podcast. Podcast Structure (6:45) Introduction (Welcoming audience / introduction music) Overview (What’s to come on the show) Sponsor Plug (if applicable) Body (Heart of the episode) Conclusion (Closing remarks, next time, call to action) Podcast Episode Ideas/Topics (8:50) Writing down ideas on Notes app.  Creating an Outline (9:50) Fill outline with Key words / phrases.  Do a Trial Run (11:00) How did it come