
All-In - Episode 83



This season, we're listening to several writers in our writers group at Central. From personal narratives, to short stories, and poetry, we have a bit of everything. Each week we'll hear from a writer and talk with them a little about their inspiration and process.This week, we're talking with Jody Cabble. Jody is a teacher at Henry Clay High School. She's been at Central for a long time. She's a deacon and is also in our writers group. She even manages to coax classrooms of students to church on a Sunday morning. We're still not sure if it was just for her birthday or if extra credit was involved. I feel like Jody's writing is always an invitation. She coaxes you into a scene, invites you to sit for a while and see what unfolds. And there, in ordinary places we find beauty and wonder, and a grace that invites us to be all-in.